Three people have been murdered in two incidents in the Duhaney Park area of Kingston 20, according to the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).
In the first incident, which unfolded shortly after 9 o’clock on Friday evening, February 8, the criminals shot two persons dead and wounded another in Brook Valley, Kingston 20.
The deceased are 34-year-old mason Craig Murray from Brook Valley, and vendor Pauline Burke-Fraser – otherwise called Judith – from Burroughs Avenue, Kingston 20.
The JCF said: “Reports from the Duhaney Park Police are that, about 9:20pm, all three persons were standing along the roadway when they were attacked and shot by armed men travelling in a motor car. The police were alerted and they were taken to hospital where Murray and Burke-Fraser were pronounced dead; the third person – a male – was admitted for treatment.”
In the other incident that also happened on Friday, gunmen murdered an electrician in his community of Annandale Avenue, Kingston 20.
The deceased is 22-year-old Kevin Hinds, otherwise called Mussu.
Elaborating on that incident, the JCF said: “Reports from the Duhaney Park Police are that, about 10:20pm, Hinds and two other men were unloading electronic items from a motor truck when they were pounced upon by three armed men who robbed the electronic devices along with cash, and then shot Hinds. The police were alerted and all three were taken to hospital, where Hinds was pronounced dead. The other two men escaped unhurt.”
Investigations are continuing into both incidents.
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