Bronze medalist in the 200 Metres at the 2012 Olympic Games Warren Weir has issued a public apology for what he said is his recent reaction to being stopped by police officers for a routine search in Trelawny.
A video of the encounter between the athlete and cops has been widely circulated, with a police corporal expressing outrage at what he described as the athlete’s ‘atrocious’ behaviour.
VIDEO: Police force commends cops, suggests athlete is disrespectful
The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) subsequently issued a statement in which it commended the officers for their professionalism, and suggested that Weir was disrespectful to them.
Weir, in a post on social media yesterday, stated that, after careful consideration, he has found it necessary to apologize, adding that his future interactions with the police will improve.
This is his full statement:

“After careful consideration over the last few days, and numerous discussions with my family and friends, along with analysing the feedback of many on social media, I would like to apologize for my reaction for being stopped by members of the Jamaica Constabulary for a routine search.
I do realize that, while I may have been upset and while I may have felt targeted, this was not the best way to react to that situation.

This incident has given me the opportunity to look at how I can handle relations with the police differently in the future, and to also be mindful of how my posts will affect not just my immediate friends and family, but also those who look up to me and support me as an athlete, national representative, and entrepreneur.”
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