That’s how a family and community feel this evening after 29-year-old Dalmain ‘Oral’ Anderson showed up after his relatives reported him missing to the Linstead police in St Catherine this morning, Thursday, July 19.
His family became worried after last hearing from him shortly before dawn on Wednesday. He has not been home since Tuesday, and calls to his phone were going straight to voicemail.
Anderson was still not yet at his home in Time and Patience, Linstead, when Jamaica Beacon, after nightfall, spoke with his mother Christine Bell and girlfriend Shannar Gordon. He lives with them.
Anderson however said he was with another relative, the mother said.
She spoke with him via telephone, and he reported being in good health.
Anderson also reportedly said he was unable to contract his family because his phone battery died. His mother noted that she immediately rubbished that explanation.
“Somebody would lend him a phone to make a call; somebody would,” she posited. “But I feel much better now than a couple hours ago.”
The mother also expressed gratitude to the community and people on social media. “Thanks for the concern and I appreciate what you all did,” she said.
Anderson’s girlfriend, in the meantime, told Jamaica Beacon that, although she is happy that her lover is safe, she is upset that he did not contact the family.
“Everybody has been worried about him,” she noted. “I heard he is OK.”
To read our previous story on this matter, CLICK HERE.
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