The community of Mocho in Clarendon is often referenced when people speak derisively about deep rural life or the lack of modernity.
One of the latest scholars to have emerged from that fabled place, Shantoy Anderson, wants to help change the narrative.
“Mocho is often classified as ‘country’ and persons sometimes believe that nothing good comes from this place – which is a big misunderstanding. I’m a testimony for that,” said the 17-year-old holder of nine CSEC subjects, administered by the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC).
Shantoy continued: “I usually feel upset when persons discuss the community negatively, but that has changed since I have grown and gained more knowledge. It’s not where you are coming from or where you live that determines the height of your success; it’s about your mindset, goals and aspirations.”
She said claims about Mocho being badly underdeveloped are often exaggerated.
“I don’t believe it’s underdeveloped. If you have urban communities, you must have rural communities. Mocho is a very good community and I love it,” Shantoy further declared.
Of the nine CSEC subjects Shantoy achieved, she got the best grade possible (Grade One) in eight of them.
A further breakdown of the subjects shows that the young scholar, last year, got Grade One in CSEC Mathematics and English A.
She, this year, accomplished these additional subjects:
- Agricultural Science – Grade One
- Biology – Grade One
- Chemistry – Grade One
- Geography – Grade Two
- Information Technology – Grade One
- Physics – Grade One
- Industrial Technology – Grade One
“I am very excited and pleased with my results,” Shantoy said.
She further told The Beacon: “I obtained these results because of the hard work I’ve put in, the dedication of my teachers, the support from my family, and my belief in God.”
Shantoy, who wants to become a registered nurse or medical doctor, attended Denbigh High School and Four Paths Primary. She intends to enroll in the sixth form programme at Denbigh High.
By Horace Mills, Journalist
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