Charlemont High School in Linstead, St Catherine, has booted the male student involved in a football scandal.
The student footballer, who started to attend Charlemont’s sixth form in September, previously attended Ewarton High School.
Principal at Charlemont High, Garth Gayle, stated that, after the student was accepted in sixth form, he discovered that someone had tampered with the academic documents that the student presented to Charlemont High.
The document showed that the student was successful in a particular subject although he had failed.
Gayle stated that, going forward, Charlemont will more painstakingly investigate students seeking to attend its sixth form.
“We will now put in systems to ensure that, in relation to students interested to come to Charlemont from another school, we will be far more diligent in our scrutiny of the documents they present,” he further said.

In the meantime, the student footballer represented Charlemont High in two matches against Dinthill Technical High School in the ongoing ISSA/WATA daCosta Cup Football Competition. Charlemont was victorious in one of those matches; it drew the other.
Gayle said he reported the student footballer to theĀ Inter-Secondary Schools Sports Association (ISSA), because the student should not have been representing Charlemont, considering that he really did not meet the academic prerequisites for matriculation.
ISSA subsequently handed down a ruling, which resulted in Charlemont losing all points gained in the two matches that involved the studnt footballer.
Dinthill, on the other hand, gained a total of six points.
ALSO READ: Linstead school reports breach, loses major points in standing up for honesty
The situation has placed Charlemont virtually out of the competition, although it was the second favourite to advance out of Zone K. The zone is being led by McGrath High School.
Dinthill now moves into second position with the points gained from the scandalous affair. All four schools in the zone have one remaining match to play.
Charlemont will host Enid Bennett High School while Dinthill will host McGrath, starting at 3:30PM on Saturday, October 12.
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