Former Contractor General of Jamaica Greg Christie said he is grateful to be appointed Director of the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) Integrity Commission, adding that he will be fearless in the execution of his duties.

The Commission announced the appointment yesterday, saying it will take effect on July 11.

Acting Chairman of the Commission, Martin Green, in welcoming the new Director, said the entity “is very pleased to have obtained the services of someone of Mr Christie’s calibre and experience”.

He further stated that the Jamaican appointee is expected to advance the anti-corruption and good governance efforts in the country.

Christie, in the meantime, described the anti-corruption entity as being perhaps the most advanced in the Commonwealth Caribbean.

“I feel privileged to be afforded with the opportunity… I will, at all times, faithfully discharge my responsibilities as the commission’s Director, with integrity, fairly, fearlessly,” declared Christie.

He will replace Eugene Otuonye, who spent seven years in the post of Director.

Greg Christie. Photo Credit:

Christie, who served as the fourth Contractor General of Jamaica for seven years, holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the University of the West Indies, and a Master of Laws Degree from the University of London.

He worked in nine countries and resided in five.

Christie is married to a bi-lingual administrator, Janice. His daughter, Natalie, is a banker.

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