Dear Sir,
I read the May 1, 2019, article about Mr. Everton Pusey and his efforts to keep his community park clean in Lluidas Vale, St. Catherine.
If possible, please communicate to him the effect this had upon me, a Jamaican who is consigned to live abroad in Brooklyn, New York.
Even here, in the so-called ‘Promised Land’ of America, there are so many people who have no problem making the world a dirtier place, and others who passively do nothing about it.
I take my daughter to a playground near our home, and I am constantly dismayed at the amount of garbage that children must play amidst. As I watch her gambol about, I often bend down to pick up the trash that tumbles errantly with every breeze.
I do not want my daughter, nor my neighbor’s children, to accept as normal that they play around garbage.

RELATED STORY: Keeping the community clean | Everton Pusey
Other than my frustration and dismay, I am intrigued by the state of mind one must have to make the choice to casually throw garbage on the ground.
Regardless of why people choose to do it, they are obviously more reluctant to do it when they witness Mr. Pusey’s efforts to keep chaos at bay.
I am inspired by his actions, and I will continue to do my part to keep my own park clean. Maybe those who litter will see my own efforts and curb their behavior.
Marcus Allison , USA
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