A young man who operates a small business in Kellits town, Clarendon, installed two kilometre sign boards on Labour Day at the two main entrances to the town where he operates.
Novardo ‘Frank’ Roberts, proprietor of FastPrint, told The Beacon: “I was eager to install the signs from the year 2019, but I couldn’t afford it at the time from my small business, so I raised some funds to put towards it for my 2020 Labour Day project. It ran me over $100,000, but I am pleased with the outcome.”
Roberts further stated that he strategically placed the signs at two intersections.
“At the two main intersections before you reach Kellits square, I placed a sign to keep people on track, and also to let them see how many Kilometres they are away from other main communities or towns,” he added.
Roberts, whose 10-year-old company has a reputation of giving back to the community, said it is not the first time FastPrint is sponsoring the erection of directional signs at an entrance to Kellits town. It previously placed a blue one at the Pedro/Kellits town intersection. However, that blue sign was replaced on Labour Day.
Roberts carried out the Labour Day project with help from his staff, representatives of Kellits Primary School, and other members of the community.

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