As speculation remains rife regarding police officer Osbourne Ximines, who allegedly committed suicide on March 10, information has emerged that his family had arranged counselling for him and that he was recuperating from an injury and an illness.
Ximines, 51, lived with relatives at a rented premises in Treadways district, Linstead, St Catherine.
He worked at Gayle Police Station in St Mary.
His life changed after he broke a leg in an accident late last year and had to undergo surgery, reliable sources have disclosed. It is further said that he subsequently contracted the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Due to his injury, Ximines had not been on the job for some time.
“All of those probably had an effect on him,” one source told The Beacon. “It is really a tragic event. His wife tried. She saw something and was getting help for him; counselling and all of that. It’s a pity it reached to this.”
The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), in a press release, said: “Reports from the Linstead Police are that, about 9:50AM, residents heard explosion and summoned them. Upon their arrival, Ximines was seen on a bed in a sitting position, with a single bullet wound to the head and a firearm in his left hand. He was taken to hospital where death was confirmed.”
One resident, who is close to the family, contacted The Beacon to refute aspects of the police report on the incident.
According to that resident, it is not true that the police went to the house in response to any report from residents. It was one of the cop’s three sons who stumbled upon his father’s body, the resident insisted. The corpse was inside one of the sons’ bedrooms.
A friend of the late Ximines spoke highly of him.
“He was generally a loving father, very very quiet, and a decent human being,” the friend said. “He couldn’t work because of the injury he suffered; he was still recuperating and he was coming on good – walking and things like that. I don’t know what happened that morning that could make him commit suicide; I don’t know.”
The friend added: “People only see things for face value. People look at the sunshine and it is bright, but just as how there is the force of goodness there is also the force of darkness. Everybody face their moment of darkness, but the difference is what happen in that moment.”
Ximines, who is said to be originally from the Glengoffe area of St Catherine, was living at Treadways in Linstead for years.
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