Locked in the embrace of two female relatives, Cornel Brown, with tears streaming down his face, stood near the grave of his common-law-wife of roughly two decades – Delores Davis, better known as Miss D.
He, along with about 100 people, watched as pall bearers succeeded in a second attempt at getting the pink and white casket into the grave at Pennington district, near Lluidas Vale in St Catherine. On the first attempt, the casket was blocked by a rock misjudged by masons.
Delores, who was eulogized as an independent mother of two, died suddenly at Linstead Public Hospital on July 16 at the age of 36.
Her cousin who delivered the eulogy, Georgette Sewell-Anderson, told the congregation at Pennington Seventh Day Adventist Church: “Delores was a very independent woman; this independence led her to seek employment at the nearby Worthy Park Sugar Estate where she was employed from March 21, 2011 until her death.”
Delores was the main breadwinner of her nuclear family especially due to her common-law-husband’s physical challenges.
She was born and raised in Pennington district.

Delores, who attended Juan de-Bolas Primary School, subsequently studied dressmaking at the state-owned skills training institute in Lluidas Vale.
She, in 2003, relocated from Pennington to live in the nearby Union district with her children’s father, Cornel.
“Her love for her children had no boundary, hence she did all that she could to make them comfortable,” Sewell-Anderson said.
Other persons spoke glowingly of Delores during the funeral service, held yesterday (September 15) amid torrential rainfall and a protracted power outage.
Delores is survived by her children – 16 and 12 years old, her common-law-husband, two brothers and four sisters.
Read previous story: Residents stunned by death of young woman
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