The grief was palpalble in the community of Lluidas Vale in St Catherine as people – young and old – journeyed from near and far for one main reason – to show their last respect to a promising community youth who died early, leaving loved-ones in an emotional storm.
Twenty-seven year-old Miguel Willis, better known as Bird, took flight from among the living under tragic circumstances 29 December 2023 – two weeks after his birthday.
It is said that he fell from a utility pole, to which he was connecting the Ghetto Rock sound system in preparation for a party at St John district in Clarendon northern – not far from his native community.
In light of the tragedy, there was speculation that Willis had been electrocuted.
Months later, that rumor is being debunked by a friend of the bereaved family, Fitzroy Bennett.
“Let me hasten to tell us he wasn’t electrocuted,” he declared, stunning many people in earshot as he delivered the eulogy at the service of thanksgiving for Willis on Saturday, March 9.
Based on the post mortem report, Wills died as a result of blunt-force trauma to the head and torso, The Beacon has been informed. With that in mind, it appears his demise is linked directly to his fall from the aforementioned utility pole.
“He died doing what he loved best,” Bennett noted.
fact that Willis passed away at such a young age was highlighted by those who grieved. But they were encouraged not to focus too much on the number of years he lived – but on the number of lives he touched.
“He touched many lives,” Bennett said.
Willis was born on Sunday, December 15, 1996 to Jennifer “Precious” Forbes and Sylvester Willis in the parish of St Catherine.
He attended Lluidas Vale Basic School, Lluidas Vale Primary, Kellits High, Ewarton High and the Lluidas Vale Vocational Training School where he studied electrical installation.
It is said that Willis was disciplined, diligent, non-confrontational and kind-hearted.
He also was a family-man who particularly loved his mother, who broke down in tears repeatedly at his funeral.
“In the community, Miguel was loved by all who knew him; his warm smile and genuine kindness left a lasting impression on everyone,” Shantel McDonald-Wheatley said in the remembrance.
Pastor Vincent Forbes, in the sermon, appealed for people to formally surrender their lives to their maker – and to do it now.
When the thanksgiving service ended, pall bearers removed Willis’ body from the Triumphant House of Praise Pentecostal in Lluidas Vale, destined for the nearby Lluidas Vale Cemetery.
During the procession from the church to the burial site, Lloyd Gunnings, a brother of the deceased, carried a football as he walked in front the casket, remembering his brother’s love for the sport.
He was also among people decked out in jerseys in memory of his brother’s love especially for football powerhouse Manchester United.
Willis was buried in a Liverpool jersey and with a football inside his casket, on which the name Liverpool and its logo were emblazoned.
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