Stop posting photos, labelling people as suspects on social media

The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), headed by Major General Antony Anderson, has issued a public warning for persons to desist from posting or sharing photos and information on social media labeling others as criminal suspects.

It noted that persons who knowingly or maliciously circulate such photos may be arrested and charged under the Cyber Crimes Act, or may face civil suits for defamation of character.

The JCF stated that, in recent weeks, it has received complaints from several persons, including police officers, whose images are being circulated on social media, wrongfully labelling them as criminal suspects.

“This has been causing them and their families a great deal of discomfort,” the JCF said.

“As such, the public is being warned to desist from sharing information that can be damaging to the reputation of others, or may compromise criminal investigation…”

Commissioner of Police Major General Antony Anderson

The JCF, in the meantime, said it encourages members of the public to directly share information with the police if they deem such information to be useful in an investigation or if it highlights suspicious persons or activities.

“If you think you have information on someone in conflict with law please share it directly with the police,” the JCF appealed.

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