Several communities, including Guy’s Hill, to benefit from new road programme
March 20, 2020The government said it will roll out a ‘new major infrastructure programme’ that is expected to benefit several communities, including Guy’s Hill district, which is located in different parishes – including St. Catherine and St. Mary.
Prime Minister Andrew Holness, during his contribution to the Budget Debate yesterday, announced the initiative called the Greater Infrastructure Development Programme (GIDP).
He said: “The GIDP is not a roadworks programme but a true integrated infrastructure programme incorporating road development, water and wastewater, drainage, bridges, sidewalks, street lighting, telecommunications, and sensors.”
The prime minister added that, under the GIDP, a number of bypasses and roads will be constructed or improved.
The proposed project includes the road from Guy’s Hill to Linstead in St. Catherine, and from Guy’s Hill to Gayle in St. Mary. Other communities are listed in the chart above.
Prime Minister Holness added: “Apart from integrating infrastructural development, a key distinguishing feature of the GIDP is the incorporation of smart technology such as fibre optics, cameras and sensors that will give a warning for potential threats and facilitate real time data collection for multiple uses – for example climate impact monitoring as well as for proper maintenance and protection of infrastructure assets.”
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