Demar Cyrus, who lives in the Lluidas Vale area of St Catherine, was not striking a pose for the camera while having a father-daughter moment with two-year-old Zuri Avery Cyrus.

He was making a genuine attempt to comb his daughter’s hair – something many fathers shy away from doing.

“I always wanted to do something to her hair – wash it, oil it, try to comb it, and pull it out whenever there’s a need to. Apart from her hair, I also enjoy cutting her nails,” Mr Cyrus told The Beacon, adding that he knows why many fathers don’t comb their daughters’ hair.

“To be honest, most fathers don’t do it because they really don’t have the time to do so.”

Mr Cyrus, who admitted that he initially was rough around the edges in relation to his daughter mainly because he wanted a son, is now growing into a milder father for Zuri – his only child.

He told The Beacon that he ensures Zuri is financially supported and is now working to ensure she is not short of emotional support.

“I found out that she likes when I pull out her hair, cut her nails, oil her hair, and wash her hair,” Mr Cyrus said.

“I am not perfect at it yet, but, in due time, I will be,” he declared.

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