Petrojam plot thickens – PNP candidate wants public to see résumé submitted

Petrojam plot thickens – PNP candidate wants public to see résumé submitted

July 8, 2018 0 By Horace Mills

The controversy surrounding the qualification of Yolande Ramharrack has taken a new twist, with the authorities now being challenged to provide the public with the original résumé presented when Ramharrack successfully sought the post of Human Resource Manager at the government’s oil refinery, Petrojam.

Her qualification became a matter of public interest amid news that she is earning $13.04 million annually – millions more than her predecessor Roselee Scott-Heron, who earned $9.82 million per year.

Scott-Heron holds a Master’s degree, unlike her successor who is earning much more.

During an appearance before the parliament’s Public Administrations and Appropriations Committee (PAAC) on July 4, Ramharrack disclosed that she is still pursuing her Master’s in Business Administration (MBA).

This is what she told the PAAC: “The job description [in relation to Petrojam] does indicate that the qualification is a MBA or equivalent qualifications and experience. I do have a graduate certification and I am at least more than half-way to earning my MBA currently.”

However, to date, Ramharrack’s LinkedIn Profile shows that she pursued her MBA at University of Leicester from 2011-2012.

In a conversation on Facebook as far back as January 2010, she or someone managing her page also told an enquirer that she is at the said university pursuing her MBA in Strategic HR and International Finance.

Considering the various pieces of information, People’s National Party candidate for West Rural St Andrew Jennifer Housen made a public appeal for clarity.

“When questioned before the PAAC, Ms Ramharrack said she does not have an MBA. She’s completing it…The LinkedIn Profile is clear as to her apparent ‘MBA qualifications’.”

“Credibility is impaired and questions as to the production of the actual interview notes and résumé originally submitted must be demanded, and we cross fingers these were not ‘accidentally destroyed’,” Housen added.

Human Resource Manager at Yolande Ramharrack (left) and PNP caretaker for St Andrew West Rural Jennifer Housen. Photo Credits:

Editorial note: We partially conceal the last word in the initial post above because the word may be offensive to some readers.

Meanwhile, the General Manager at Petrojam, Floyd Grindley, seemed highly evasive when he appeared before the PAAC prior to Ramharrack, and was asked if Ramharrack holds a Master’s degree.

After being pressed, he eventually told the PAAC that Ramharrack ‘has a MBA certificate’.

By Horace Mills

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