LLUIDAS VALE: Training centre considering food-related courses

LLUIDAS VALE: Training centre considering food-related courses

November 13, 2018 0 By Horace Mills

Acting Manager at Lluidas Vale Vocational Training Centre in St Catherine North West, Vanone Harper, said research will be conducted to ascertain whether the institution should add food preparation to its list of training programmes.

The state-owned centre offers various programmes, but bar services is the only one available in the category sometimes referred to as Food and Beverage.

Persons have asked why food preparation is not among the courses available, considering that a number of young people from the Lluidas Vale area usually seek jobs on the island’s north coast where several hotels are located.

Harper, who noted that most of the programmes being offered are driven by market research, told The Beacon that research will be conducted to ascertain whether it is necessary to start offering culinary arts in the next training cycle.

“We are looking into that sort of thing for the next training cycle. Part of the challenge would be if you are unable to get participants for the programme,” he said.

Harper continued: “We need to do a field study to see how many persons in and around the environment from Bog Walk going back to James Hill would be interested in such a programme and then, if we have enough persons expressing an interest, definitely we would proceed with that for the next training cycle.”

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