For the first time since its inception some 24 years ago, the Emancipation Day donkey races in the Top Hill area of Lluidas Vale, St Catherine, will be held during a state of public emergency.
The state of emergency, which was declared on March 18, was aimed at curbing the then runaway murder rate in the St Catherine North Police Division.
One of the organizers of the donkey races, Melton Edwards, said crime is not a big issue in the rural community of Top Hill.
He expects a peaceful event, which will not be significantly affected by state of emergency.
ALSO READ: Organizers ready for Emancipation races in Top Hill
Edwards told Jamaica Beacon that the only difference is that the post-race entertainment may be cut short by a few hours.

“After the donkey races, we usually stay at the venue and play music. It generally ends about 12 [in the night]. You have a state of emergency in place now, so maybe it lasts until about 10pm.
“We don’t have an issue with crime in the area. As you know, all over Jamaica now have some people behaving a certain way, but you have to do what you have to do. You can’t allow criminals to lock you down,” Edwards asserted.
He also noted: “We are in touch with the police and so police officers will be here at the event.”
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