The police have vowed to clamp down on parents in the Lluidas Vale area of St Catherine who have not been sending their children to school.
“The children must go to school. If we find out that you are not sending them to school, you could be in trouble,” said Inspector Ishmael Williams, who is in charge of the St Catherine North Police Division’s Zone Four, which includes the Lluidas Vale police area.
He advised that, if parents can’t cover fares and other costs required to send their children to school, they should access the government’s Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH).
“Find help for your children. Do not have the boys at home or the girls sit down at home and you do not send them to school, because it may turn around and haunt you,” the senior cop further posited during a recent public meeting at Pennington district, Lluidas Vale.
The government, which covers tuition fees for students up to secondary level, repeatedly said schools should not prevent students from attending classes as a result of their failure to make any form of monetary contribution.
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