Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) candidate for St Catherine North West, Newton Amos, said he is not satisfied with the explanation given for the deplorable condition of the cemetery in Lluidas Vale – a division in the said constituency he is seeking to represent in parliament.
People’s National Party (PNP) councillor for the Division, Hugh Graham, in an interview with The Beacon this month, suggested that three workers employed to clean up the cemetery should be blamed – not him.
“If they are not doing the job that they are paid to do, the [St Catherine Municipal] Corporation needs to ensure that they are doing the job or find persons who can do the job that you are paying for,” Graham recently said.
In response, Amos said Graham, along with Member of Parliament Robert Pickersgill, should be blamed squarely for the condition of the cemetery.
“I am placing blame squarely at the feet of the Member of Parliament and the Councillor; that is where the buck stops and not to side-track the issue by blaming others for the poor management of the people’s business for decades whilst they are in power.
“The poor management being displayed by Graham in Lluidas Vale clearly illustrates his incompetence [as a political representative] and the PNP should withdraw him in the interest of the people,” Amos further said.
Graham, in the meantime, insists that he has been representing the people well. He will be the PNP’s candidate in St Catherine North West when the next general election is held.
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