I have a huge concern.
As a participant in the 2019 National Youth Service (NYS) Summer Work Programme, I want to speak out on the unfair reward my fellow participants and I have been receiving.
After we completed the three weeks, we have to wait for another month for our pays, which the policy is no longer than three weeks after.
It has gotten out of control where we have to wait for over five weeks before getting our pays.
As for the first phase which was June, persons waited over four weeks before receiving pay.
Pertaining to the second phase, which was July 8 to July 26, we haven’t received our pay.
As a high school graduate, I take a stand!
This is affecting both me and the rest of participants, because we did this programme so we can help our parents financially in sending us back to colleges and universities.
Deadlines have gone to pay tuition fees and to also get the necessary back-to-school supplies in place.
Because of the gap and the late payment, participants are going to suffer if serious actions don’t come into place.
This has been going on in a long while now where participants have to wait for a long time before receiving their pays.
At the orientation, which was held a week before participants started to work, the person who is in charge of the Mandeville National Youth Service Office stated that we will receive our pays the week after we ended our contract.
It has now reached social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook where persons are crying out for assistance in solving this issue.
When other persons and I call the head office in Kingston, they are using us as merry-go-round; they keep telling us to check our accounts at a specific time and date. When we do check our accounts, there is no pay. When we call to make inquiry about our payments, they cannot give an account.
I hope this matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.
Concerned Citizen
Mandeville, Manchester.
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