Randy Mundell, a former prefect at Ewarton High School and Deputy Head Boy at Dinthill Technical High in St Catherine, is now a proud member of the police force in St Kitts and Nevis.

“I love being a police officer, love being a leader, love fighting crime,” the native of Swamp district in Bog Walk, St Catherine, told The Beacon, adding that he enjoys giving back to his community and schools in Jamaica.

He encouraged other Jamaicans living abroad not to be selfish with opportunities.

“Help each other,” he appealed. “If you are overseas and you can give somebody the opportunity to come overseas so they can give back somebody the opportunity, that’s how it definitely should be. I am always giving back – always giving persons opportunities.”

Mundell disclosed that, since he has been in St Kitts and Nevis, he has assisted two Swamp residents to find meaningful employment in that dual-island nation.

Randy ‘stulla’ Mundell while at Dinthill Technical High School in Linstead, St Catherine.

Mundell said his passion for giving is rooted in his childhood struggles.

He recalled struggling to find funds to attend school.

“I started my little backyard garden as a youngster, and used it as a source of income to help with my schooling to take some of the strain off my parents,” said the son of Melva Dillon and taxi operator Fitzroy Mundell.

The 24-year-old, whose quest for elevation through education started at Swamp Lane Basic School, also attended Linstead Primary and Junior High. He recalls not having the necessary funds to graduate from the latter institution, but he left there with two invaluable awards – one for Most Improved Student and the other for Most Disciplined Student.

Mundell moved on to Ewarton High School where he was selected to serve as Prefect.

He eventually left that school after he received a football scholarship to attend Dinthill Technical High, thanks to the then Dinthill coach – Curtis ‘Flego’ Hamilton.

Mundell went on to become Captain of Dinthill’s DaCosta Cup football squad; he also represented that school in long distance races at Boys and Girls Athletics Championship.

Mundell said Dinthill was good to him in many ways. He told The Beacon that the then principal, Dennis Clarke, for example, saw his struggle with poverty, vacated the principal’s cottage, and allowed him and a few other struggling students to live there.

Mundell, in 2015, graduated from Dinthill Technical High with eight CXC subjects, six CAPE Units, and the ‘Deputy Head Boy’ title.

“I was a fearless leader; one that students would have respected to the highest degree,” he said while expressing gratitude to the many people – including teachers – who have a hand in his success.

Randy ‘Stulla’ Mundell is now a constable in the Royal St Christopher (St Kitts) and Nevis Police Force.

Mundell stated that, after Dinthill, he pursued an associate degree in Environmental Science at Knox Community College.

He subsequently went to the United States, where he was gearing up to pursue a degree in Environmental Science.

He, however, was struck by a twist of fate while on a flight in the United States, heading to St Kitts to visit old friends. Mundell met a police officer who encouraged him to join the Royal St Christopher (St Kitts) and Nevis Police Force.

The rest is history.

Mundell, who told The Beacon that he was called ‘Stulla’ in school due to his physical strength, has been a constable in the St Kitts and Nevis police force since 2016. He declared that he is eternally grateful to that CARICOM country and to its people for the opportunity to serve.

By Horace Mills, Journalist

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