Member of Parliament for Clarendon Northern Horace Dalley said the recent heavy rainfall badly affected some houses in sections of his constituency, adding that he will seek help for homeowners who are yet to fully recover.

He told The Beacon that two houses in St John district have been damaged. The one shown above was repaired and is again occupied.

Dalley, however, will seek Government’s assistance in relation to the second house. “The [second] one is in a bad condition and is about to collapse in St John. I have some pictures; I am sending them in to the ministry to see if I can get an emergency unit for the family,” the parliamentarian explained.

He further stated that, in the Arthur Seat community, occupants of a house were affected by a landslide at the rear of the building. A video shows silt and murky water sweeping through the house.

Dalley, in the meantime, said a number of houses in the Trout Hall area were flooded. “Several were flooded out in Trout Hall – water just washed through people’s houses because it was a lot of rain… We are trying to get some grants from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security for the occupants – just to put them back on their feet. Their houses did not collapse,” Dalley said.

He stated that the Aenon Town community also experienced flooding.

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