One Connection, Morgans Pass, Mason River, and San San City are leading their respective groups in the Horace Dalley Insport Football League underway in Clarendon Northern.
In GROUP A, Morgans Pass is ahead with 6 points, while Kellits Skills Training Centre and Reckford are locked on 3 points apiece. Crawl River, Anderson Town, and Pedro Strikers are yet to make a mark on the score-board.
In the meantime, Crooked River and One Connection are leadingĀ GROUP B with 3 points each, but the latter team is ahead based on goal difference. Aenon Town and Brandon Hill are each locked on 1 point, while Corner and Lambson Strikers are still at ground zero.
In GROUP C, San San City is maintaining dominance with 6 points. James Hill and Castle United are tied on 3 points apiece, but the former team is ahead on goal difference. The other teams in the Group – Skateland United, Next Generation and Comsee Sunshine – are yet to score.
Meanwhile, Mason River is powering its way through GROUP D with 6 points. Jericho is in second place on 3 points. The teams that are yet to score a point in the Group are Scheme Ballaz, St John, and Croft Gate.
Below are some photos captured at the start of the competition this month:

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