Gov't to improve radio station ahead of sale

Minister of Transport Robert Montague said the administration will fast-track the divestment of its radio station, KOOL 97 FM, but he noted that the entity will be improved ahead of sale.

“It is a vital and profitable concern that will not be divested as a broken down ramshackle entity,” he declared, adding that the station is an under-utilized gem.

Montague explained that Kool FM is owned by AEROTEL whose parent company is the Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority, which falls under the Ministry of Transport and Mining.

He added that Cabinet, in 2010, decided to divest the radio station.

“However, because of all describable forms of delay, this has not happened. This has resulted in a lack of investment in the facility and a fall of market share,” the minister said.

He, during his sectoral presentation in parliament this week, further noted that Kool FM now has a board, which is a subcommittee of the AEROTEL board.

Montague said the present board has decided to invest into the entity.

“To allow the station to deteriorate is in no one’s interest. A new transmission tower plus new equipment and an aggressive marketing programme has seen a turn around, since the years of neglect. We see increased market share and we will continue on that path.”

“A General Manager will be employed and new equipment bought. More outside broadcasts will be done as we seek to increase coverage and market share,” the minister further said.

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