The family of Denroy Duncan, otherwise called Dan, has expressed shock that he died under tragic circumstance on his 28th birthday, and at a time when he was making plans to get married.
Up to the time his vehicle slammed into a concrete column along Chapelton main road in Clarendon on July 18, Denroy was in a relationship with a nurse who works at Denbigh Hospital in the parish. They have a son who is about four years old.
Denroy lived with his would-be bride at Mullet Hall, but frequented his paternal relatives at Cross Road district. Both communities are relatively close to the town of Chapelton, where the car crash was the hottest topic the day after.
The Jamaica Constabulary Force said Duncan was driving his Toyota Corolla motor car about 2:54PM when he allegedly lost control of it and collided into the concrete column. He sustained several injuries and was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Speaking on behalf of the bereaved family, Veronica Duncan-Dunkley, aunt of the deceased, said she visited the crash scene on the day of the incident. However, she did not see her nephew there; she saw his body at Denbigh Hospital.
“I saw him in the police truck; I started crying; I put my head on the truck and I just kept moving back and forth; I couldn’t keep still. I am not used to seeing Dan in that way; I am not used to seeing him like that. I am used to seeing him coming here at our home [in Cross Road].” Duncan-Dunkley told The Beacon.

She added that Denroy once lived in May Pen with her – as well as her son Randolph Neely.
Now that she is living in Cross Road district, Denroy would visit her almost daily.
“The family could rely on him no matter what he is doing or where he is. If he is far away and we need him, he says ‘I will be there,’ and he will make time and he will come. He was kind – very kind,” the aunt declared.
“I always love him; I take him as my son. When I go places, people would ask ‘that’s your son?’ He first would say ‘yes’ and I would leave it at that.”
Denroy’s biological mother lives in Pennants; his dad resides in Kellits – both in Clarendon.
Veronica Duncan-Dunkley, aunt of the deceased Denroy Duncan
His aunt, a devout Christian, told The Beacon she regrets that Denroy wasn’t a Christian too. She had hoped that, after his wedding, he would have made the big decision to get baptized.
“He and his girlfriend were planning to get married; they were planning to build their house; they were making such plans. He would come here (at Cross Road district) and tell us he was going to be doing this; he was going to be doing that,” the aunt recounted.
She, in the meantime, stated that Denroy, who had been driving motor vehicles for years, visited his relatives at Cross Road district a few hours before he died in the crash.
He, during the visit, jokingly reminded his aunt that it was his birthday. No one expected a tragic end.
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