The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) said a father in Trelawny was hospitalized after realizing that his 11-year-old son, Malique Lawman, purportedly shot himself in the head with a licenced gun belonging to the father.

The Falmouth police are further probing the incident, which happened on December 1 in a section of the parish called Perth Town.

The JCF explained: “Reports are that, about 11am, Malique was at home with family members when an explosion was heard. Checks were made and Malique was found in a bedroom with a gunshot wound to the head; his father’s licensed firearm was beside him. The police were called and he was taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead. His father was also hospitalized.”

There are reports that the child was autistic, but The Beacon is yet to verify those.

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