The charred remains of an 81-year-old man were found among the remnants of a house, which was destroyed by fire last evening at Good Hope district near Kellits in Clarendon.

The deceased is Alexander Nembhard.

Personnel at Linstead Fire Station said Nembhard lived alone in the one-bedroom wooden structure.

They told The Beacon that the estimated value of the property destroyed is $1 million, adding that the cause of the blaze is yet to be ascertained.

The fire-fighters received the call about the blaze approximately 7:59PM and left their base a minute later, they said.

When they reached the location after travelling several miles, the house was already destroyed. But they carried out cooling-down operation.

The house fire at Good Hope is at least the second to be reported in the Kellits area within weeks. In the first incident, a fire, on the night of June 22, displaced seven people at Tate district.

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