A man and his girlfriend narrowly escaped injuries when the car in which they were travelling ran off the road-way, flipped and landed on its top in a canefield at Worthy Park Sugar Estate in Lluidas Vale, St. Catherine.
The crash happened yesterday morning (March 20) relatively close to a section of Lluidas Vale main road known as Water Sink.
The general Water Sink area, in recent months, has become notorious for motor vehicle accidents.
A woman, Sashane Berry, died in a crash there on the night of February 12. A construction worker, James Worrell, lost his life in another accident in the area on February 8. In addition, two trucks overturned in the area since the start of the year while transporting sugarcane to the factory mentioned earlier.
In relation to the latest incident, Chester Campbell, who lives in Kingston, told The Beacon that, hours before the crash, he was in Trelawny parish doing some work.
While heading back into Kingston, he drove through Clarendon and picked up his girlfriend.

Campbell eventually resumed his journey towards home, using the roadway that runs through Croft’s Hill and Lluidas Vale, heading towards Ewarton and Linstead.
While Campbell was in Lluidas Vale driving towards Ewarton, things went awry in relation to the automobile.
“The [right back] wheel came off; the car just turn sideway and roll in the canefield. When it finish rolling, it was on the top,” Campbell told The Beacon.
He explained that he tried frantically to control the car after the wheel fell off, but that attempt was futile.
When the car landed, Campbell pulled his seat-belt and climbed through the window.
“Mi glad mi alive,” he said.
He added that he, along with his girlfriend who declined to comment publicly, did not consider it necessary to seek medical attention.
“Wi nah feel nuh pain or anything; just a little shaken up,” Campbell said.
He further stated that, while at the crash scene, he saw a police vehicle passing.
The police officers eventually stopped and took a report, Campbell added. “The wrecker also came and pulled the car to Linstead.”
Campbell, who has been driving for more than two decades, said it is the first time he has been involved in such a serious accident.
“Life spare; mi glad fi dat,” he emphasized after reaching his Kingston home.
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