Orville Mckellop from Waterloo district in Spanish Town, St Catherine, has overcome enormous medical hurdles to this year attain a whopping 10 CSEC subjects (General), presented by the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC). He is an aspiring chartered accountant and graphic artist, who is now a sixth former at his beloved Jonathan Grant High School. Orville,…
Tag: Eltham Park Primary
Lluidas Vale | Head girl moves single mom with 94% average
Trishawna Eastwood is a single mother who relocated a few years ago to Lluidas Vale in St Catherine, not far from where that parish meets Clarendon. Her 11 year-old daughter, Rihanna Eastwood, has performed superbly in the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT), amassing an average of 94.4 percent. “I am ecstatic, superb, proud,” the mother…