Councillor for the Bog Walk Division in St. Catherine, Peter Abrahams, is living up to his promise to ensure that a resident of his area is provided with a comfortable house.
The resident, John Brown, lives under deplorable conditions in a crumbling hut at Burton district.
He said he has been occupying the hut for four years, and he sleeps on an abandoned car seat, which sometimes leaves him with pains. “Sometimes rain wet mi up,” Brown added.
He is now threatened especially by the Atlantic hurricane season, which will start on June 1.
Councillor Abrahams got a first-hand view of Brown’s living conditions on Saturday, May 2, while he distributed care packages to help alleviate the financial strain, which has been heightened by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
He told The Beacon that he was moved by the condition in which he found Brown.
“This situation moved me. Since the past almost eight years in politics, as the community leader and homeboy born and bred here [in Bog Walk], this one is really touching. When you see I have to reach out for this one, it flushed me and the community members. It is really heart-rending,” Councillor Abrahams said.
He further stated that his supporters were the ones who first brought Brown’s plight to his attention. “So, I decided that, when I am distributing food packages in the Bog Walk area [amid the COVID-19 outbreak], I would stop by Mr. Brown and see for myself first-hand, and see how best I can help and get persons to help. When I went there, trust me, it was just heart-breaking for me.”
The politician noted that, based on information he has received, the property on which Brown lives is owned by Brown’s family. That has made it easier for the house to be constructed there.
Councillor Abrahams told The Beacon that the house he is building from scratch comprises a bedroom (10×10), living room and kitchen (16×14), a bathroom (6×4), and a veranda.
Brown was among persons who watched in glee as Councillor Abrahams, along with his team, commenced construction on Sunday, May 10.
He intends to complete the house before the hurricane season starts.
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