Principal at Kellits High School in Clarendon, Texal Christie, has encouraged students to travel with sanitizers necessary to lessen the likelihood of them contracting the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

“We are encouraging the general hygiene – washing of the hands and all that. We also encourage students to carry soap and sanitizer and hand towels to assist in trying to keep them clean and sanitized,” he told The Beacon.

Christie further said he is pleased with the students’ response so far. “I can see that they are taking it serious. A matter of fact, I see them having even gloves; I see some of them with masks. They are taking the advice serious, and we will just continue to do what we can do to encourage.”

Jamaica, so far, has two confirmed cases of COVID-19, and both of them are believed to be imported from the United Kingdom.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness, during a press briefing yesterday, said schools are likely to be closed, adding that parents should consider making preparations for their children.

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, people are advised to do the following:

  • Maintain a distance of at least one metre from persons who are coughing or sneezing.
  • Frequently perform hand hygiene by washing hands thoroughly with soap and water or using a hand sanitizer if hands are not visibly soiled.
  • Cover our mouths and noses with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and then discarding it.
  • And resist the habit to touch our faces.

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