February 5, 2020 0 By Horace Mills

A young farmer from the Croft’s Hill area of Clarendon Northern is again celebrating; this after his goat gave birth to three kids on the night of January 15.

The animal, on April 25 last year, had five kids.

The owner, Johnann Jones, is counting his increase as a blessing.

“It is a blessing; I am glad,” he said, adding that all of the kids are in good health.

Jones previously told The Beacon that, when he bought the mother goat for $15,000 in the year 2018, he was ridiculed because the animal was relatively meager.

He, now more than ever, has reason not to regret the purchase.

The animal, on two occasions, beat the average of two kids that each goat usually has on each occasion.

“That push mi far inna life,” the farmer said last evening.

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