The main organizer of the annual donkey races at Top Hill district in Lluidas Vale, St Catherine, said he is expecting a major crowd and a bigger number of donkeys at the event to be held tomorrow, August 1.

Melton Edwards told The Beacon that a number of people have travelled from America and Canada to witness what he said will be the 25th staging of the donkey races.

“We expect to have a good turnout as usual. There are lots of guests from overseas who are here for the event,” he added. “This event is very important to the community because people look forward to it for economic gains and so on.”

Edwards further said, considering that the sugarcane crop was not as long as last year, he is expecting more donkeys to participate. “Hopelly, we will have more this year because the crop wasn’t too long as last year, so the donkeys must be rested more.”

He told The Beacon that the top donkey will win $20,000, the second place finisher will earn $15,000 and the third place donkey owner will walk away with $10,000.

Races are scheduled to run from mid-day until 6:30 in the evening, Edwards said.

He stated that a party, featuring Love Roots International from Top Hill district, will be held after the races.

The donkey race, last year, was held under a state of public emergency, which is no longer in effect. The winning donkey last year and the previous year was Star Boy from Crofts Hill, Clarendon. A total of 12 donkeys participated in the races last year.

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