Prime Minister Andrew Holness yesterday announced that barbershops and hair salons have been added to the list of businesses now restricted in an effort to minimize the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
He yesterday told parliament: “The opening hours of barbershops and hair salons shall be no earlier than 10AM and no later than 5PM.
“No more than 10 persons at a time shall be permitted in any barbershop or hair salon, and no more than two of those persons shall be clients waiting to be served,” the prime minister further said.
The restrictions, which took effect today, will be in effect until April 23.
The prime minister also noted that bars, as well as nightclubs and other places of amusement, should remain closed.
He warned that persons caught flouting the law will be punished under Section 52 of the Disaster Risk Management Act.
Persons found guilty will be required to pay a fine up to $1 million or spend up to 12 months in prison.
“This is a very serious piece of legislation,” the prime minister noted.
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