Another young man has fallen victim in the wave of murders taking place across Linstead, St. Catherine.
He is 21-year-old Joshua Campbell, otherwise called ‘Joshie’, from Trinity district in Linstead.
He was shot and killed in his community after nightfall on Saturday, June 19, but the incident is only now reaching media attention.
The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) told The Beacon: “Reports from the Linstead Police are that, about 8:40PM, residents heard loud explosions sounding like gunshots and summoned them.
“On arrival of the police, the area was searched and Campbell was found with gunshot wounds. He was taken to hospital were death was confirmed,” the JCF added.
Investigations are continuing.
The murder of Campbell, in the meantime, is at least the fourth to have been reported in the Linstead area within weeks.
On the afternoon of June 17, gunmen in a motor vehicle shot and killed a young man – Jermaine Walters – on Grove Road in Linstead. Another man was shot and wounded in that incident.
On the night of June 6, robbers fatally stabbed 51-year-old higgler Courtney Demetrius, also known as ‘Blacks’. Police said the crime was committed at Russell Pen in the Linstead area.
And criminals, late last month, abducted and murdered 51-year-old taxi operator David Francis. His body was recovered on May 26 in a remote area of Victoria district, Linstead. He went missing on May 21.
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