PHOTO: Young people getting on-the-job training at ODPEM

PHOTO: Young people getting on-the-job training at ODPEM

July 20, 2018 0 By Horace Mills

These five young adults have completed their secondary-level education, and are now on a six-month apprenticeship programme at the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM).

They are (from left to right in photo) Kimany Graham, Robert Wright, Sanasha Dennis, David Brown,  and Kentburn Satchell.

The group was recruited through the government’s programme known as HOPE (Housing, Opportunity, Production and Employment).

It is aimed at providing educational and job opportunities for young people (18 to 24 years old), who are not employed or enrolled in a school or training programme.

The five young people now at ODPEM began their on-the-job training in May in the agency’s administration, human resources, information systems, as well as preparedness and emergency operations departments.

Photo contributed through the Jamaica Information Service.

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