Trishanna Brown is more than a geriatric nurse and owner of the GlowWhite line of skincare products.
She is an epitome of perseverance.
“I am always praying and listening to the voice that says I can do better,” she told The Beacon, reflecting on the rebellious teenage years she has left behind. “I was a very naive child, but time has changed my mind.”
One of Brown’s most egregious errors was her decision to defiantly stop attending school while she was in grade nine at Ewarton High.
“My mom tried to send me back to school; she tried to get counselling for me, but I had a lot of things holding me back. I had many reasons not to want to put a foot forward,” she said.
As adulthood beckoned, Brown, whose father died when she was 16 years old, struggled to pick up the pieces.

She worked at grocery shops.
She subsequently spent more than 10 years employed as a bartender at different establishments, including one owned by her mother.
“When I was a bartender, persons came into the bar telling me I am a boss-type of person. If I am working at a place, the owner usually leaves me up in management,” Brown said.
Her experience left her with a burning desire to, one day, own a company – a successful one.
While still working as a bartender, Brown also developed an interest in boosting her credentials. She enrolled at Israel Academy in Linstead, St Catherine, where she pursued a course in geriatric nursing.
“It was a very hard task because my income [as a bartender] was very low and the school fee was expensive… However, I decided to do it by the help of God and determination,” she said.
Brown completed the course in 2018.
She is now employed as a geriatric nurse, specializing in the care of senior citizens.
While working full time, Brown took another leap of faith and started her online business – Glowhite – on May 5, 2021.
“My business offers acne treatment for adults and children,” she explained. “We also make lightening soaps, shower gel, flask mask, shampoo for hair growth, face scrub, carrot oil, neem oil, toning lotions, and more.”
The response to the business and products has been encouraging, Brown told The Beacon.
She added: “I want my business to grow because it is something I love; I enjoy doing it. It amazes me that people go to dermatologists and cannot get rid of certain problems, and they rush over to me and I get it treated and gone in no time. I have something to be proud of and I have blessed hands.”
Brown stated that, in sharing her story, she is not interested in mere sales.
She is on a mission to encourage students to stay in school, and she hopes to be an inspiration for those who already are dropouts.
“I want people to know that, although you made some bad decisions in the past, you can still make something good of yourselves,” said Brown, a homeowner.
She added: “I am not proud of dropping out of school and all of that. But I try not to beat myself about it too much; I am now moving forward.”
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