Beacon of the day | St Mary Achiever Heading To Immaculate

Beacon of the day | St Mary Achiever Heading To Immaculate

July 20, 2021 0 By Horace Mills

Being placed at her first choice of secondary school represents the highest point so far in her life.

Janeen Beckford from Luna District in the Border area of St. Mary has been placed at Immaculate Conception High School.

The Ministry of Education granted the 12-year-old her heart’s desire following her stellar performance in the Primary Exit Profile (PEP).

“I feel like I did pretty well,” said the aspiring chartered accountant.

Based on her PEP results, she came within striking range of perfection in all areas.

In the Ability Test, for example, Janeen scored higher than 99 percent of all PEP students on the island.

She also received the highest categorization (highly proficient) in Language Arts and Mathematics.

In addition, the young scholar attained Mastery of the Numeracy and Literacy aspects of PEP.

She is not only an academic standout.

Janeen also distinguished herself as a leader in the capacity of prefect at her old school – Paisley Primary in St. Mary.

Her school community, as well as her parents Shernette Rainford and Carlton Beckford, is thrilled.

“I am very proud of my daughter,” Rainford told The Beacon. “She has never disappointed me. From basic school to primary school, she has never dropped the baton. She always remained top of her class. Immaculate is another stepping stone for her to do well.”

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