Marcoje Mighty, known as ‘Marco’, whose mother died five years ago, is among top performers in the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) that is used to place students in secondary schools on the island.
Putting the icing on the proverbial cake, Marco has been declared the top PEP matriculant this year at the acclaimed Glenmuir High School.
“Being the top PEP student placed at Glenmuir High, I get to be one of the torch-bearers at the welcoming and torch-lighting ceremony to be held at the school,” he told The Beacon.
“I feel very good in how I performed [in PEP]. I am truly overjoyed about my accomplishment.”
The young scholar, who lives with his father Maurice Mighty at Palmers Cross in Clarendon, scored 100 percent on the PEP Ability Test.
He received the highest level of classification (highly proficient) in Mathematics and Language Arts, and also mastered the literacy and numeracy components of PEP.
The 11-year-old aspires to become a technical engineer.
In terms of leadership, he served as a class monitor at Mineral Heights Primary School in Clarendon.
Both sides of his family are said to be highly supportive of him.
His maternal aunt Dr. Latoya Irving Bingham said she is ecstatic and extremely proud of the accomplishments.
“I know his father made sure to equip him with all the resources he needed to do his work and he too is over-joyed with the milestone that Marco has reached,” she further said.
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